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“Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience恐龙体验展”首登多伦多!

 Dinos Alive: 恐龙体验展之前在澳大利亚、欧洲和美国均获得巨大成功,这次首次在多伦多亮相,带来了超过40只栩栩如生的巨型恐龙,包括庞大的霸王龙、三角龙、迅猛龙等传奇物种!






Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience has enjoyed tremendous success in Australia, Europe, and the United States and now makes its debut in Toronto! 

Featuring over 40 lifelike giant dinosaurs—including the mighty T-Rex, Triceratops, and Velociraptor—this exhibition lets you come face-to-face with these awe-inspiring ancient creatures.

It’s not only a visual spectacle but also an educational treasure trove! 

In interactive zones, you can learn about the dinosaurs' habitats and extinction theories, explore the world of dinosaur with VR technology, or experience a paleontologist's work firsthand in the fossil digging area.

Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience

时间:Friday October 25th, 2024-Sunday December 22nd, 2024

地点:30 Hanover Rd, Toronto


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