About Toronto Diary

The Chinese media scene in Toronto is very narrow and Toronto Diary is a one of the largest Toronto lifestyle channel in the Chinese community with a focus on restaurants, travels, events and deals. Toronto Diary strive on providing the most comprehensive guides for our readers and share our love for this wonderful city we call home.
Toronto Diary is one of the largest and most influential channels in Canada with a combined following of over 1 Million on WeChat, Weibo, Red Book, Miaopai, Facebook and Instagram. The channels feature everything from restaurants, travels, events to deals in Toronto and has worked with prestige brands such as Air Canada, Holt Renfrew, Shangri-La Hotel, BMW and more. Toronto Diary’s rich credentials has earned opportunities to participate in exclusive coverages for the city’s biggest events such as the Toronto International Film Festival and popular local interests such as new restaurant openings. Toronto Diary has also garnered international interest with invitations to cover the Venice Film Festival and New York Fashion Week.
“多伦多吃喝玩乐”曾被微博誉为加拿大最大的KOL(自媒体博主)之一,曾被加拿大当地最大的外媒Toronto Star报道过。也曾受邀去威尼斯电影节、多伦多电影节、纽约时装周等。
As Seen On

Interviewed by Toronto Star, Canada’s most influential publication, to share experiences with using WeChat. Read
One of our Co-Founders Joanna Luo was invited by the University of Toronto to share my experience on being an entrepreneur. READ
One of our Co-Founders Joanna Luo was invited by Canadian Chinese Radio to share her experience on being a KOL

One of our Co-Founders Joanna Luo was invited by the University of Toronto to introduce Toronto food near the campus. READ
Invited to be a speak guest in Weibo Summit in Vancouver as one of the Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) in Canada. Link
Brand Partnership with Buick
Past Event Gallery

Charity Event
We are committed to making a difference in our community.
We were proud to partner with United Nation’s First Ladies Luncheon, SickKids.
What is more, we were happy to donate some food to support the front workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Celebrity Interviews
We had interviewed with 、David Tao(陶喆)、Alin、Selena Lee (李施嬅) 、Guillermo del Toro、Graham Elliot、Alvin Leung, Nobu Matsuhisa, David Rocco……
Promote the Concerts
Being the media sponsor of some of popular stars' concerts, such as Eason Chan, Twins, David Tao……

Film Industry
Toronto Diary has also garnered international interest with invitations to cover the Venice Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival.
What is more, we partnership with many film distributors to promote the Chinese movie.
Fashion Industry
Toronto Diary has also garnered international interest with invitations to cover the New York Fashion Week and Toronto Fashion Week.
Influencers' Tasting Event
Toronto Diary’s rich credentials has earned opportunities to participate in exclusive coverages for the city’s biggest events.

Cultural Dissemination
We set up a Food Map to the travel visitors to explore Toronto.
Cultural Globalization
We are committed to allow “Torontonians to love the globe” by sharing information about travel around the world. It also cooperated with Japanese drugstore chains, such as Bic Camera, to launch a series of coupons, allowing Canadians to enjoy while traveling in Japan. In addition, we partnered with Beijing’s “Meet You Museum” to introduce exhibition discounts.
VIP or Blogger Event
We also help some of clients to organize the VIP fans' tasting event or blogger tasting event.
Our Clients

Our Platform
Facebook:@Toronto Diary多倫多吃喝玩樂
Contract Us: info@torontodiary.com